Albucoop has 105 taxis in Albufeira, being the average age of the vehicles of our fleet around the 3 years.
We are constantly checking the general condition of the vehicles, as a car in poor condition generates poor service.
In this way, we raise the level of maintenance and indirectly its safety and convenience by requiring cars in a good state of maintenance and cleaning.
Almost all of our fleet has air conditioning, thus increasing your comfort.
There are also vehicles with a capacity of up to 8 passengers.
Taxis Albufeira provides services in the city from a taxi stand or from the place that the call can be made by the customer.
Taxis are identified by their colour and display green at the top (free) or red for busy, with the number of the tariff.
These taxis have two colours, beige or black with a green roof. These are the colour of traditional Portuguese taxi.
the taxi owners can choose between these two colours when they buy their taxis.
They can take up to 8 setter cars, but usually, they are 4 setter cars.
The taxis use the taximeter to calculate the cost of travel, according to the distance, number of persons ( up to 4 or even 8), time of day and day of week.